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A wreath is placed by the mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia in Memorial Plaza. Martin hall is pictured in the background on the right. Elizabeth Moore Hall can be seen in the background on the left.

1. Wreath Laying Ceremony in Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Military officers listen as Joseph Gluck speaks at dedication of the bell from the 'West Virginia' outside Oglebay Hall. In the background is Woodburn Hall.

2. Joseph Gluck Speaks at Dedication Ceremony for the Bell of U.S.S. West Virginia at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

"Mast of the battleship 'West Virginia', 1923-46.  A tribute to her gallant crew and to all West Virginians who have served our country in the armed forces, May 11, 1963."

3. Plaque Mounted on Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia in Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

4. Naval Officer Otis Shahan Participates in a Ceremony in Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University

A group of young boys climb onto the mast before the dedication ceremony.

5. Children Playing on the Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia before it Was Erected in Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

6. Construction Crew Works on Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University

A view of Memorial Plaza after the completion of the memorial. Woodburn Circle is pictured in background.

7. Mast of U.S.S. West Virginia at Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

A view of completed Memorial Plaza with Oglebay Hall in background.

8. Memorial Plaza and Oglebay Hall, West Virginia University

A view of Memorial Plaza looking down south on University Avenue.  Mast belongs to battleship West Virginia which was sunk at Pearl Harbor.

9. Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University

A man places a wreath beside the mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia.

10. Dedication Ceremony for the Mast of U.S.S. West Virginia at Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

The mast lays in a field before it is erected at West Virginia University's Memorial Plaza, which is located directly in front of Oglebay Hall.

11. Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia Before Erected on Memorial Plaza, Morgantown, W. Va.

Lugar and Harlow stand behind a podium as they address the crowd at the dedication ceremony.

12. Marlyn Lugar and University President James G. Harlow at the Dedication of the U.S.S. West Virginia Bell, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

A group of men and women are gathered on the plaza during the dedication celebration.

13. Mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia during the Dedication at Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Rev. Joe Gluck speaks at Dec. 7, 1967 dedication ceremonies for the bell from the armored cruiser 'U.S.S. West Virginia.'  Two other main speakers are shown seated in the first row: WVU President James B. Harlow (second from left) and Naval Reserve Captain Marlyn E. Lugar (third from left).

14. Joseph Gluck Speaks at the Dedication of the Bell from the U.S.S. West Virginia, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

WVU President James G. Harlow speaks at dedication ceremony of the bell from the armored cruiser and battleship U.S.S. West Virginia. Oglebay Hall is pictured in the background.

15. West Virginia University President James G. Harlow at the Dedication of the Bell of the U.S.S. West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Dec. 7, 1967 ceremony dedicating the mast of armored cruiser 'U.S.S. West Virginia.'

16. Dedication of Mast of U.S.S. West Virginia on Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

West Virginia University President James G. Harlow (left) and Naval Reserve Captain Marlyn E. Lugar are shown at dedication ceremonies for the bell from the armored cruiser and battleship U.S.S. West Virginia. In the background is Woodburn Hall and Chitwood Hall.

17. WVU President James G. Harlow at the Dedication of the Bell of the U.S.S. West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va.

The installation of U.S.S. West Virginia's mast nears completion at Memorial Plaza on the campus of West Virginia University.  The Mountainlair and Stewart Hall are visible in the background.

18. U.S.S. West Virginia Mast in Memorial Plaza, Morgantown, W. Va.